Has A Clogged Air Conditioner Drain Caused Damage To Your or a friend’s Home?
If you’re reading this article, we’re sure you’ve heard of this happening. Stopped up or completely clogged AC condensate drains are the number one cause of major damage to homes other than a natural disaster. And… the damage is so easy to prevent.
Walk around the exterior of your home and find the white PVC drain located in the soffit. (A soffit is an exterior or interior architectural feature, generally the horizontal, aloft underside of your roof overhang.) Then watch to see if water is dripping out while you have your AC running. We suggest you lower your thermostat setting to around 65 degrees.
If you’re not seeing a drip, drip, drip… it’s time to call AirVantage before you have serious damage to your ceiling and everything below it. Call or Text 409-354-1234 for a quick inspection.

This is by far the best reason to schedule a spring maintenance AC system check up by AirVantage’s professional team. That little pipe is called the emergency or secondary drain and if you dont see water coming from the outside drain, it could be leaking in another area which means your regular drain has failed in some way.
Get your A/C checked by the experts at AirVantage today to help prevent drain malfunctions and all the difficulties that are associated with clogs or rusted drain pans. Call or text John at 409-354-1234 today.
Visit us at https://www.AirVantageCo.com