Why Call For A Early A/C and Heating Check up?
A/C and Heating Service Checkups are more than just controlling the temperature in the home. Four other elements are largely unknown to many homeowners. In fact, some local Air Conditioning service companies overlook these important elements. Read more below…
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Temperature is the simplest to understand. Either raise or lower the Air Temperature in the home by means of heating or cooling the air. Reducing the temperature is done with a good operating outdoor unit. Couple this with an indoor unit or evaporator along with air flow though a delivery system of ducts and temperature can be reduced. Increasing the temperature can be achieved through means producing heat either with an energy source such as natural gas or electricity. Another source increasing the air temperature in the home is by transfer heat from outdoor air to indoor air by means of a Heat pump. We’ll talk more about the Heat pump in another article. Stay tuned,
While this is still fairly simple, controlling it in our highly humid Gulf Coast Climate can be challenging. This often can be achieved by setting the blower speed or volume air through the indoor cooling coil or evaporator so that a cooler outgoing air temperature results in dryer air. In some cases such extended periods of cooler outdoor temperatures, our indoor air may become too dry commonly seen during Winter. This is rare and often doesn’t get addressed in our area of the country.
Air Circulation
This can best be described as refreshing the air so as to not become stuffy without causing a drafty feeling. A good quality thermostat will circulate air automatically or one can simply turn on the indoor circulation fan manually for a short period. Over coming drafty situations is accomplished through proper supply grill design for any giving living space.
Air Quality
Breathing clean air is important to help keep us humans comfortable. Some of us have allergies and the level air cleanliness can greatly affect the severity of those allergies. AirVantage technicians have Air Quality training specifically for these and other Air Quality issues.
An often overlooked issue is the level of sound that conditioning the indoor air produces. Whether it’s the outdoor unit or indoor air noise that is the problem this issue needs to be included in the design of any Quality Air Conditioning System.
Contact AirVantage
We take pride in offering Top Quality Service and products designed to meet the homeowners in and around the League City and Gulf Coast Area. Feel free to call us at 281-704-2625 or text 409-354-1234.